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Hmm I really like Rowan and can't wait to steal the man's heart (althou i plan on sticking with my villain ways, sorry but love can't fix my MC lol)


sorry everyone! I’ve had to scrap most of this and I’m really trying hard to get it going, so maybe December for a new release??


Thank you for updating us!I'm glad it wasn't abandoned.I hope you're doing well


wooooooo! that's really exciting, can't wait to see it :D


We will be waiting :D


Love it! I hope you'll continue this author. I'm looking forward on Kai route 😍.


Quinn really said "I can fix them!" Honey, sweetie, dollface. I WILL MAKE YOU WORSE.


hi, just checking in. you said a while ago you were going to update it in august…will this still be updated?


Very interesting, starts a bit slow though. Too many characters in my opinion however.

(1 edit) (+2)

Omg i am soooo glad to see the story is getting redone. It really was one of the best demo's i read hence my comment somewhere below lol and i kept coming back to it. So excited.yaaaay ♥️

when will this game get updated? 😭


The game should be updated in August! I’m currently about halfway through the redo of the demo!


I love it ! Where is Kai ? Also ! Can we romance more than one RO ? Because if so it's wonderful !!


Hiya! I’m currently redoing the demo to be better, but you should meet Kai in the past, but for where they are right now is [redacted]! You can romance more than one RO! Depending on the RO! Sawyer is the only one that’s monogamous, but that doesn’t mean you have to have a poly relationship with the others. You can find out more info on my Tumblr at! If you have questions, do feel free to ask on the Tumblr or here!

Oh crap x) I would have love a poly with Sawyer and Kai XD But thanks for the answer ! I will still love it !

Looking foward for more


OMG I like ana so much she so wholesome and adorable, I can't wait to see more of this story(❁´◡`❁)


I crave for more

I need to annoy Sawyer so much by just existing and being chaotic.

I don't make the rules Ana is my sweetheart and i will do as she pleases, I've adopted this chaotic child as a sibling.

WHERE IS MY BOY KAI?? We were just trying to eat a dessert and things go shit


How dare you be intolerant of me...


How dare you upset my belly 😑😑


Intresting and cool and I love Anastasia, very cute kid!

Hope it's still ongoing, and if not it's ok :)


I’m glad you like it! The game is still ongoing and is getting a redo soon!


I was having so much fun, but allas so short. looking forward for the rest of it!


Oh no it was shorter than I thought! I was laughing my ass off the whole time!!


oh man. nothing gets me as excited about something like playing as the villain!!!


i absolutely adore the whole concept around this story and can't wait for more. being able to play as a villain without having to actually be cruel is so refreshing. also i can't wait to bang Sawyer


Well bloody hell i was really enjoying that. So good honestly. The writing made me laugh and i am very much looking forward to reading more in the future. Can't wait for the next update.


Ahh I’m honored you like my writing style! I like chaoticly funny games the best so that’s what I try to simulate with my writing!



in a /platonic way its just amazing i barely even started it

Looking forward to more Sawyer and Rowan! 

Love it, please keep it up <3



Deleted 1 year ago

They do:

Found the experience to be enjoyable enough. 

Would wish that some paragraphs were broken down because they were too long. And maybe more descriptions?


I’m redoing it so the passage will be shorter and there will be vivid descriptions this time

This is really good. Can't wait see more!


cool! was interesting right away, looking forward to more of the story : )

(2 edits) (+1)

ahhhh looking forward to how the story's gonna go! really curious about Kai right now :D

[Spoilers, bug]

by the way, i found a bug on android, when you're introduced to Rory (edit: i used the wrong name  the first time, adhd hates me) the "shy romance" option is red and when you click it you're shown an error! 

Love the writing style, had so much fun playing! Can't wait to see where this goes.

I want to throw in I didn't get any errors (played on android). Long review of the characters below.


The characters: 

Love Gregory, I hope my MC's shenanigans don't cause trouble for him later tho. He also needs to give up them lifestyle tips STAT. I want to lift like an athlete at 60 too. Was laughing out loud with Sawyer. 10/10 would pickpocket again. I didn't really read the RO descriptions first (like to just find out), so Jordan's superhero name startled me lol. Hayden was a nice surprise. I think this is only the second time I've seen virtilgo in an IF game, and the first time a RO has it. Quinn is literally adorable <3, I hope they survive my MC lol.

I'm so torn between Rowan and Kai. Was all for Rowan, until I restarted and picked Kai's romance choice. They're such a hopeless romantic, and I'm a sucker for RO's having history with the MC. But like... I also love initially cold ROs lol. Not to mention the fluffy hair! It seems we'll be spending more time with Rowan at the start, so maybe I'll have a clearer favorite down the road. Maybe.

Sorry for the rant if you made it this far!

I’m so glad you enjoyed it! If you want to explore more about the characters you go on tumblr and follow my blog at the-error-if

I read through the part with sawyer and don't understand, is his power smoke manipulation? or is it lie detection? is the smoke from some kind of device/tech?

his power is lie detection and the smoke was from a smoke bomb!


oh my god it's been too long

great games overall just need some polishing

Hopefully soon the redo will be done!

this seem pretty cool

On the customizable hair options, I got straigh and I think it's supposed to be straight?

you can set your first and last name as blank, just delete everythin

This is one of the result


A nearly opposite of this is there are no limits on how many characters you can set as your name

Emoji is a valid option too


In use


I got this popup when trying to choose "You had to suffer..." option on the train ride to the compound

And I can't go down that route

Hopefully the new demo will be further polished and not include so many coding errors!

On the train sitting on the way to compound, one of the dialouge option is "Anastasia taught you how to play a game on her Bintendo Switch." not sure if it's supposed to be Nintendo or you're just doing parody

It’s a parody lol!

Fantastic start! Looking forward to more from ya.

I love this can't wait for this development

looks really cool ! looking forward to see this develop :)

Thank you!!


Looks like I have another IF to put in the "Invested in under a minute" list, also nice demo!

Thank you so much!